Eric Dodge is a professor of economics and chair of the Department of Economics and Business Administration at Hanover College in Hanover, Indiana. ???en_US.webpac.bookDescSource???:博客來網路書店
Cracking the AP ma ...
AP microeconomics ...
AP macroeconomics ...
500 AP microeconom ...
500 AP macroeconom ...
Barron's AP microe ...
AP Economics Micro ...
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Around the world in 80 birds /
金錢超思考 : <<華爾街日報>>最受歡迎財經作家,25道創造財富的關鍵思考,教你晉升有錢人! /
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AP Statistics 2024 Elite Student Edition
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不敗學習力 : 學霸都在用的10大聰明讀書法 /
Who gets in and why : a year inside college admissions /
The Silk roads : a new history of the world /
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和動物生活的四季 : 《所羅門王的指環》作者與灰雁共享自然的動物行為啟示 /
Immune : a journey into the mysterious system that keeps you alive /
An immense world : how animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us /
AI塑造的學習未來 : 教育現場的智慧觀點 /
A survival guide for life : how to achieve your goals, thrive in adversity, and grow in character /
華爾街傳奇基金經理人肯恩.費雪教你破除50個投資迷思 /
和動物說話的男人 : 《所羅門王的指環》作者的狗貓行為觀察學 = So kam der Mensch auf den Hund /