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Impact Foundation : Workbook

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  Impact helps teenage learners better understand themselves, each other, and the world they, and the world they live in.

  By encouraging self-expression, global citizenship, and active participation, Impact motivates students to explore who they are and who they want to be, all while learning English!

  The Impact Workbook contains activities that reinforce and consolidate the content of the Student Book, and includes lstening, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary practice.

  The Impact Workbook includes: •10 pages of language practice, activities, and an additional reading for each unit

  •Now I Can self-assessment sections, giving learners an opportunity to reflect on what they have learned and identify areas where they need additional practice

  •Review sections, featuring question types commonly found on standardized axams

  •Additional student-choice activities, providing opportunities for targeted skills practice

  Impact Workbook audio is available for streaming and download at

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