★《Business Insider》評選為企業家必讀書籍之一,翻譯成17國語言,熱銷全球!
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★Business Insider 評選為企業家必讀書籍
★暢銷書《一週工作4小時》作者提摩西.費里斯(Timothy Ferriss)強力推薦
「你的行動可能受到阻擾,但你的意志與心智卻能自我掌控。以阻力為動力,化障礙為道路。」—羅馬帝國 奧理略大帝
許多書告訴我們如何成功,但很少人告訴我們克服失敗、面對障礙的方法。本書作者萊恩.霍利得(Ryan Holiday)是《紐約時報》(The New York Times)暢銷書作家,他研究數千年來的希臘、羅馬聖哲與近代表現卓越的領導人,從羅馬哲學家皇帝奧里略、亞歷山大大帝到愛迪生、柴契爾夫人、賈伯斯到歐巴馬等,整理出一套面對逆轉障礙的作業系統,32個認知力、行動力和意志力的練習,讓你一步步鍛鍊自己的內在突破力量:
「每一位現代與未來的領袖必備的案頭書。」——《權力世界的叢林法則》(The 48 Laws of Power)、《精通》(Mastery)作者 羅伯.葛林(Robert Greene)
「萊恩.霍利得讓哲學走出教室,回到日常生活,幫助每個人沉著、鎮定地處理問題。這就像是一本人生使用手冊,你會經常向它求助,學習如何用它衝破障礙、克服難題。這絕對是一本必讀的好書。」——《哈芬登郵報》(The Huffington Post)前總編輯、《羅馬最後一位公民》(Rome’s Last Citizen)作者 吉米.索尼(Jimmy Soni)
「在這部精簡、迷人的著作裡,霍利得為如何好好生活與領導提供精闢、有力的觀點。他告訴我們如何將失敗、障礙與常見的生活挫折轉化為優勢,提供許多容易上手的策略,讓每個人都能在追求夢想時充分利用。好好讀這本書,從中學習,然後開始行動吧!」——哈佛商學院,歷史與領導學專家 南希.科恩(Nancy F. Koehn)
「首先是奧理略,再來是腓德烈大帝,現在是你。這部令人驚豔的著作會告訴你如何擁抱障礙與挑戰,打造充滿驚奇的人生。」——《3000元開始的自主人生》(The $100 Startup)作者 克里斯.古利博(Chris Guillebeau)
「我一直因為人生中的各種障礙而苦惱。要超越阻礙並獲得成功,需要練習與承受痛苦。霍利得的書正是教你如何達成這一點的操作指南。」——投資家、《雞窩頭下的金頭腦》(Choose Yourself)作者 詹姆斯.阿特切(James Altucher)
「如果有一本有專門為『絕地武士』而寫的口袋書,這本書就是了!霍利得的《障礙就是道路》將亞歷山大大帝、奧理略皇帝與賈伯斯等哲學家與行動派都採用的、有著征服世界、不朽的自制技巧,濃縮精華介紹給讀者。遵循這些訓誡,人生將有革命性的轉變。誠如霍利得所言:『這很簡單,但並不容易。』快讀這本書吧!」——《藝術之戰》(The War of Art)、《火之門》(Gates Of Fire)作者 史蒂文.普雷斯菲爾德(Steven Pressfield)
「這是個精心雕琢的美妙作品。任何想要變得更好的人,都應該讀一讀。」——《愛你自己如生命之所繫》(Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It)、《活出你的真理》(Live Your Truth)作者 凱莫.萊維肯特(Kamal Ravikant)
「霍利得深受奧理略與斯多葛學派的觀點所啟發,撰寫了一部精彩動人的著作,傳授了遠超出他實際年齡的智慧,告訴我們如何面對人生的逆境,如何將負面處境轉為正向。這是無價之寶。」——美國區域法院法官 佛萊迪克.布洛克(Frederic Block)
「霍利得教人如何活出那個最好的自己。多數人一生都在逃避困難的事,霍利得揭露這種生活方式的悲哀謬誤,並介紹斯多葛學派的哲學,這些歷久彌新的不朽教誨能指引我們走出恐懼、困難與停滯不前,邁向勝利。」——《生活的藝術》(The Art of Living)作者 雪倫.樂貝兒(Sharon Lebell)
We give up too easily. With a simple change of attitude, what seem like insurmountable obstacles become once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Ryan Holiday, who dropped out of college at nineteen to serve as an apprentice to bestselling 'modern Machiavelli' Robert Greene and is now a media consultant for billion-dollar brands, draws on the philosophy of the Stoics to guide you in every situation, showing that what blocks our path actually opens one that is new and better.
If the competition threatens you, it's time to be fearless, to display your courage. An impossible deadline becomes a chance to show how dedicated you are. And as Ryan discovered as Director of Marketing for American Apparel, if your brand is generating controversy - it's also potentially generating publicity.
The Stoic philosophy - that what is in the way, is the way - can be applied to any problem: it's a formula invented more than 2,000 years ago, whose effectiveness has been proven in battles and board rooms ever since. From Barack Obama's ability to overcome obstacles in his election races, to the design of the iPhone, the stoic philosophy has helped its users become world-beaters.
A book for the bedside of every future - and current - leader in the world. (Robert Greene, author of The 48 Laws of Power and Mastery)
Ryan Holiday is part Machiavelli, part Ogilvy ... this whiz kid is the secret weapon you've never heard of. (Tim Ferriss The 4-Hour Work Week)
[The book that's] turning the entrepreneurs and the moguls into hard-wired stoics (The Times)
An absolute must-read. A kind of user's manual for life, you will turn to it time and time again and learn to tear through any obstacle and resolve any conflict. (Jimmy Soni, managing editor of Huffington Post, author of Rome's Last Citizen)
The Obstacle is the Way decants in concentrated form the timeless techniques for self-mastery as employed to world-conquering effect by philosophers and men of action from Alexander the Great to Marcus Aurelius to Steve Jobs. Follow these precepts and you will revolutionize your life. As Mr Holiday writes, "It's simple, it's just not easy." Read this book! (Steven Pressfield, bestselling author of 'The War of Art and Gates of Fire')